Today was a wonderful day. I really enjoyed the robotics session. I really want to incorporate it in my school. We have students that will really benefit from this. Some students need something to do to keep them out of trouble and robotics will be the perfect thing for them. I also enjoyed Ms. Adkins and all the different tools we can use in our classroom. Earlier that day we all discussed how we are using the different tools we learned from in GAETI. I personally have used canvas and will incorporate adobe spark in March or April. I really wanted the students to do a website, but the school will not let us use weebly. I hope in the future they will open this website. But, I really enjoyed my day in GAETI. 😂
Today in the follow-up session we talked about how we are using the resources in our classroom. It was amazing how most people used the resources, but others had problems because of technology issues. Also, we went over how to write a grant. I always thought that writing a grants took hours to do, but the way Dr. Bracey explained it it seems a little a easier. I do plan to write one if I have time. I really like that idea from Yokohama and the gym equipment. We really need something for our children to exercise on an getting outdoor exercise equipment along with the the track we have would be wonderful. At the end of the day we learn about code. I plan to use some of the activities in the book. We are suppose to be train later because ICT 1 will be moved to 6th grade. I think this is a wonderful program and it will help the students learn more about computer science. Maybe it will encourage girls to get involve in computer science and maybe choose a profession in it.